Skills Based ECHO

Upcoming Programs

Third Thursdays of the month, 12:00 to 1:00 PM with an Optional Interactive Debrief: 1:00 to 1:15 PM

Register here.


Date Start Time Session and presentation Title(s) Name and Professional Degree
9/26/2024 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: Introduction to Single-Session Consultation and Common Factors Lauren Haack, PhD
10/9/2024 noon-1 pm Project ECHO (Core): ADHD Jim McCracken, MD
10/24/2024 noon-1 pm Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviors to Support Mental Health Lindsey Bruett, PhD
12/11/2024 noon-1 pm Project ECHO (Core): ASD Enjey Lin, PhD & Zara Sefetol, MD
1/23/2025 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: ABC Model & Behavior Plans Lauren Haack, PhD
2/27/2025 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: DBT Behavior Chains & Distress Tolerance Deepika Bose, PhD, Melissa Wei, Barbara Stuart, PhD
3/27/2025 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: Emotion Regulation & Validation Saun-Toy Trotter, LCSW
4/24/2025 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: Interaction Cycles, Attending, Praise Lauren Haack, PhD & Joan Jeung, MD
5/22/2025 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: Opposite Action Plans Evan Holloway, PhD
6/26/2025 noon-1 pm Therapeutic Skills Project ECHO: Motivational Interviewing Maria Jimenez or Brittany Bryant or Evan Holloway


Current Cohort Recordings

Past Programs

Thursday, September 21, 2023, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 
Introduction to ECHO Hub and Single Session Consultation Model |  Slides Video
Erica Szkody, PhD, Ian Sotomayor, BA, and Lauren Haack, PhD

Single Session Consultation Mock Session (Video| Single Session Consultation - Provider Script (PDF| Brief Single-Session Consultation Action Plan for Providers (PDF| Single Session Consultation Action Plan for Service Recipient (PDF) | Brief Single Session Consultation Action Plan for Service Recipient (PDF