Lauren Haack, PhD
Lauren M. Haack, PhD, is a UCSF Department of Psychiatry Associate Clinical Professor and attending psychologist specializing in 1) cultural influences to mental health conceptualization, assessment, and treatment, and 2) accessible, culturally appropriate, and technology enhanced evidence-based services for vulnerable youth and families worldwide. She provides behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and clinical supervision in the UCSF Mood/Anxiety clinic and the Hyperactivity Attention and Learning Problems clinic. Dr. Haack also provides instruction and consultation/supervision in the UCSF Multicultural Psychology Training Program, the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellowship, and the Juvenile Justice Behavioral Health team. She is a member of the UCSF Department of Psychiatry diversity committee. Dr. Haack is a current Hellman fellow with a project focusing on adapting a web-based CLS provider training to serve Spanishspeaking, Latinx families. She also collaborates on UCSF-funded projects examining the use of text messaging to improve youth and family engagement in mental health services.