Tomoya Hirota, MD

HS Assoc Clinical Professor

Tomoya Hirota, MD, received his medical degree from Kobe University School of Medicine, Japan. He completed general psychiatry residency training at Vanderbilt University and child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship training at UCSF.

Dr. Hirota is an assistant clinical professor in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He is board-certified both in general psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry in the United States, and he is also a designated psychiatrist under the Mental Health and Welfare Law in Japan.

Clinically, Dr. Hirota specializes in an assessment of co-occurring psychiatric problems in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) and pharmacotherapy (both medication management and consultation). He also collaborates with other clinicians and provides diagnostic assessments of autism and other NDDs.


Cesarean delivery on child health and development in Japanese nationwide birth cohort.

Scientific reports

Matsumoto N, Mitsui T, Tamai K, Hirota T, Masuyama H, Yorifuji T

In vitro fertilization and long-term child health and development: nationwide birth cohort study in Japan.

European journal of pediatrics

Matsumoto N, Mitsui T, Kadowaki T, Mitsuhashi T, Hirota T, Masuyama H, Yorifuji T

Systematic review and meta-analysis for the 2024 update of the Japan College of Rheumatology clinical practice guidelines for the management of rheumatoid arthritis.

Modern rheumatology

Nakayama Y, Nagata W, Takeuchi Y, Fukui S, Fujita Y, Hosokawa Y, Ueno M, Ono K, Sumitomo S, Tabuchi Y, Nakanishi Y, Saito S, Ikeuchi H, Kawamori K, Sofue H, Doi G, Minami R, Hirota T, Minegishi K, Maeshima K, Motoyama R, Nakamura S, Suzuki S, Nishioka N, Wada TT, Onishi A, Nishimura K, Watanabe R, Yanai R, Kida T, Nishiwaki H, Yajima N, Kaneko Y, Tanaka E, Kawahito Y, Harigai M

Neurodiversity paradigms and their development across cultures: Some reflections in East Asian contexts.

Autism : the international journal of research and practice

Hirota T, Cheon KA, Lai MC

CRISIS AFAR: an international collaborative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and service access in youth with autism and neurodevelopmental conditions.

Molecular autism

Vibert B, Segura P, Gallagher L, Georgiades S, Pervanidou P, Thurm A, Alexander L, Anagnostou E, Aoki Y, Birken CS, Bishop SL, Boi J, Bravaccio C, Brentani H, Canevini P, Carta A, Charach A, Costantino A, Cost KT, Cravo EA, Crosbie J, Davico C, Donno F, Fujino J, Gabellone A, Geyer CT, Hirota T, Kanne S, Kawashima M, Kelley E, Kim H, Kim YS, Kim SH, Korczak DJ, Lai MC, Margari L, Marzulli L, Masi G, Mazzone L, McGrath J, Monga S, Morosini P, Nakajima S, Narzisi A, Nicolson R, Nikolaidis A, Noda Y, Nowell K, Polizzi M, Portolese J, Riccio MP, Saito M, Schwartz I, Simhal AK, Siracusano M, Sotgiu S, Stroud J, Sumiya F, Tachibana Y, Takahashi N, Takahashi R, Tamon H, Tancredi R, Vitiello B, Zuddas A, Leventhal B, Merikangas K, Milham MP, Di Martino A

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review.


Hirota T, King BH

Trajectories of emotional and behavioral problems in school-age children with coordination difficulties and their relationships to ASD/ADHD traits.

Research in developmental disabilities

Mikami M, Hirota T, Adachi M, Takahashi M, Nishimura T, Saito M, Nakamura K, Yamada J

Editorial: Longitudinal data analysis in child and adolescent mental health.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Hirota T, McElroy E, Fujiwara T, Boden J

Autistic children and adolescents with frequent restricted interest and repetitive behavior showed more difficulty in social cognition during mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multisite survey.

BMC psychiatry

Tamon H, Itahashi T, Yamaguchi S, Tachibana Y, Fujino J, Igarashi M, Kawashima M, Takahashi R, Shinohara NA, Noda Y, Nakajima S, Hirota T, Aoki YY

A network analysis of problematic smartphone use in Japanese young adults.

PloS one

Tateno M, Kato TA, Shirasaka T, Kanazawa J, Ukai W, Hirota T

School Social Capital Mediates Associations Between ASD Traits and Depression Among Adolescents in General Population.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders

Mori H, Hirota T, Monden R, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Nakamura K

Longitudinal association between addictive internet use and depression in early adolescents over a 2-year period: A study using a random intercept cross-lagged model.

Computers in Human Behavior

Michio Takahashi, Masaki Adachi, Tomoya Hirota, Tomoko Nishimura, Hiroki Shinkawa, Hiroyuki Mori, Kazuhiko Nakamura

Subgrouping school-aged children on the autism spectrum based on co-occurring psychiatric symptoms.

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Antonia M.H. Piergies, Tomoya Hirota, Rei Monden, Shuting Zheng

Trajectories of Adaptive Behaviors During Childhood in Females and Males in the General Population.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Nishimura T, Kato T, Okumura A, Harada T, Iwabuchi T, Rahman MS, Hirota T, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Kuwabara H, Takagai S, Nomura Y, Takahashi N, Senju A, Tsuchiya KJ

The association of social capital with depression and quality of life in school-aged children.

PloS one

Mori H, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Shinkawa H, Hirota T, Nishimura T, Nakamura K

A comparison of child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East, the Middle East, and Southeast Europe.

Asia-Pacific psychiatry : official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists

Nielsen MS, Clausen CE, Hirota T, Kumperscak H, Guerrero A, Kaneko H, Skokauskas N

Cohort Profile: The Assessment from Preschool to Puberty-Longitudinal Epidemiological (APPLE) study in Hirosaki, Japan.

International journal of epidemiology

Hirota T, Adachi M, Takahashi M, Mori H, Shinkawa H, Sakamoto Y, Saito M, Nakamura K

Atypical Sensory Processing Profiles and Their Associations With Motor Problems In Preschoolers With Developmental Coordination Disorder.

Child psychiatry and human development

Mikami M, Hirota T, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Saito M, Koeda S, Yoshida K, Sakamoto Y, Kato S, Nakamura K, Yamada J

Neurodevelopmental Traits and Longitudinal Transition Patterns in Internet Addiction: A 2-year Prospective Study.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders

Hirota T, Takahashi M, Adachi M, Sakamoto Y, Nakamura K

Associations of Social Capital with Mental Disorder Prevalence, Severity, and Comorbidity among U.S. Adolescents.

Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53

Hirota T, Paksarian D, He JP, Inoue S, Stapp EK, Van Meter A, Merikangas KR

Utilization of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook in Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research

Hirota T, Bishop S, Adachi M, Shui A, Takahashi M, Mori H, Nakamura K

Prevalence of and Factors Associated with School Bullying in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis.

Yonsei medical journal

Park I, Gong J, Lyons GL, Hirota T, Takahashi M, Kim B, Lee SY, Kim YS, Lee J, Leventhal BL

Distributional patterns of item responses and total scores of the Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents in a general population sample of adolescents in Japan.

Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Adachi M, Takahashi M, Hirota T, Shinkawa H, Mori H, Saito T, Nakamura K

Prevalence and cumulative incidence of autism spectrum disorders and the patterns of co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders in a total population sample of 5-year-old children.

Molecular autism

Saito M, Hirota T, Sakamoto Y, Adachi M, Takahashi M, Osato-Kaneda A, Kim YS, Leventhal B, Shui A, Kato S, Nakamura K

The Network Structure of Irritability and Aggression in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders

Hirota T, Deserno M, McElroy E

The 2-Year Course of Internet Addiction Among a Japanese Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic Sample with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders

So R, Makino K, Hirota T, Fujiwara M, Ocho K, Ikeda S, Tsubouchi S, Inagakip M


Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Tomoya Hirota, Eoin McElroy

Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East: A 5-year follow up on the Consortium on Academic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Far East (CACAP-FE) study.

Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Hirota T, Guerrero A, Sartorius N, Fung D, Leventhal B, Ong SH, Kaneko H, Apinuntavech S, Bennett A, Bhoomikumar J, Cheon KA, Davaasuren O, Gau S, Hall B, Koren E, van Nguyen T, Oo T, Tan S, Tateno M, Thikeo M, Wiguna T, Wong M, Zheng Y, Skokauskas N

Prevalence of pathological and maladaptive Internet use and the association with depression and health-related quality of life in Japanese elementary and junior high school-aged children.

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology

Takahashi M, Adachi M, Nishimura T, Hirota T, Yasuda S, Kuribayashi M, Nakamura K

A systematic review of screening tools in non-young children and adults for autism spectrum disorder.

Research in developmental disabilities

Hirota T, So R, Kim YS, Leventhal B, Epstein RA


Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Tomoya Hirota, Young Shin Kim, Ryuhei So, Bennett L. Leventhal, Richard Epstein

Chapter 10 Depression in Children and Adolescents.

Systems Neuroscience in Depression

Tomoya Hirota, Gordana Milavic, Fiona McNicholas, Thomas Frodl, Norbert Skokauskas

Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East.

Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences

Primary and secondary surveys on epidemiology of Sj�gren's syndrome in Japan.

Modern rheumatology

Tsuboi H, Asashima H, Takai C, Hagiwara S, Hagiya C, Yokosawa M, Hirota T, Umehara H, Kawakami A, Nakamura H, Sano H, Tsubota K, Ogawa Y, Takamura E, Saito I, Inoue H, Nakamura S, Moriyama M, Takeuchi T, Tanaka Y, Hirata S, Mimori T, Yoshifuji H, Ohta A, Matsumoto I, Sumida T